Wednesday, November 7, 2012

  Going to post a review and two giveaways in a day or two. Be sure to become a follower and refer others to become a follower if you would like to be in the drawing for both giveaways. I will need the referals
or you, or both to let me know so I can keep track of them. Watch for the post very soon.
  I aplogize for this taking so long, but I have had my Dad in the hospital twice and several runs out of town to the emergency room a few times also. Just more than I could handle at this time.Thanks for understanding.

Friday, September 28, 2012

I am so excited. I just found out today that I get to do a review of a product and have two giveaways for the item that I will be reviewing. So be on the lookout for my review, soon to come, and don't miss out on your chance to enter the giveaways. So looking forward to doing this and being able to offer the giveaways to my coupon friends and blog followers.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Win and I Pad 2 and Kindle Fire

a Rafflecopter giveaway